Good game, but needs WAAAAY more diversity.
I died at level 25 (On purpose, I was pretty bored at this point), I went so fast with reload that I had to wait so that doors could teleport me, my base attack was as fast as Rapid Fire and I had 15 Power Shots that did like 576 damages each.
Buuuut, well... Same dungeon design, same rooms (There's like... 10 ?), same enemies (I think there's 5).
Basically, it gets old REAAAALLY fast.
I think that's what flamewolf393 meant when he said "Only 10 rooms long, no bosses, no story".
So there's potential, but you should add new rooms, new enemies, new dungeons (Like, every 5/10 floors ?), new events, heck, maybe a new character, or a way to change its abilities ? Maybe a reward for defeating champions (It felt kind of disappointing "fighting" for 3 minutes to get absolutely nothing) (By fighting I meant just running around the champion until he died, since he couldn't hit me. It wasn't even a challenge, it was just long, and pretty boring).
The only bugs I encountered were monsters respawning in random rooms, chests appearing/disappearing when re-entering a room, but they were not game-breaking, just minor annoyances/incoherents.